Whey is useful in many fermentation recipes – as a starter culture for lacto-fermented vegetables and fruits, for soaking grains for proper preparation, and as a starter for many beverages. The yogurt or Kefir cheese is a delicious by-product with beneficial lactic-acid-producing bacteria. You may use homemade yogurt or Kefir or good quality commercial plain yogurt or Kefir.
Making Whey and Kefir Cheese |
- 2 quarts yogurt
- Tools
- 1 clean dish towel
- Large strainer
- Large bowl
- Wooden spoon
- Mason jar
- Covered glass container
- Line a large strainer set over a bowl with a clean dish towel. Pour in the yogurt or Kefir, cover and let stand at room temperature for 4-8 hours. The whey will run into the bowl and the milk solids will stay in the strainer.
- Tie up the towel with the milk solids inside, being careful not to squeeze. Tie this little sack to a wooden spoon placed across the top of a container so that more whey can drip out. When the bag stops dripping, the cheese is ready.
- Store whey in a mason jar and yogurt cheese in a covered glass container. Refrigerated, the yogurt cheese keeps for about 2-4 weeks and the whey for about 2-6 months.
Do i need to use whole milk yogurt to make whey?
Hi Nadine,
You can make whey from yogurt that is not whole milk, but I recommend whole milk yogurt as it is really best to use whole milk. Whole, raw milk is even better if you can get it.
Does any type of yogurt work, like bulgarian or greek?
Loving your site! Its nice to see a fellow Austinite so passionate about hearty nutrition : )
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for your feedback! Yes, any kind of plain yogurt will work, preferably organic, of course!
how do I make whey from kefir?
You make whey from kefir the same “way” you make whey from yogurt. You simply pour the kefir into a fine mesh sieve sitting over a large measuring cup and let it drain through very slowly overnight. The remaining kefir will harden into a soft kefir cheese and the resulting liquid will be kefir whey.